Our Services

PinnaLead offers a wide range of leadership training and human capital empowerment services.

Leadership & Personality Assessments

Behavioral research suggests that the most effective people are those who understand themselves in terms of both their strength and weaknesses, so they can develop strategies to meet the demands of their environment. These self-discovery and powerful, dynamic systems of human behaviors help the participants to understand self and others while appreciating the differences among team members and how to relate with one another to get desired results. Our assessments have three key objectives:

  • Understanding self (deep insight into one’s structure of interpretation).
  • Valuing Yourself & Others (reducing and stimulating communication)
  • Developing Your Versatility (creating new possibilities for maximizing potential.

Leadership Training

We offer a wide range of leadership development products for different levels of leadership covering three main areas being:

  • Personal growth and leadership.
  • Communication, the art thereof.
  • Team thinking and team dynamics.

What sets us apart is our training methodology, Masterminding: which focuses more on the application of the principles we teach rather than simply acquiring knowledge. A Mastermind is an alliance of like-minded people who work in harmony with a positive mental attitude towards a definite end, resulting in synergy, commitment and excitement for participants.

Integral Coaching

International Coach Federation (ICF) defines professional coaching as partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential, which is particularly important in today’s uncertain and complex environment. Coaches honor the client as the expert in his or her life and work and believe every client is creative, resourceful and whole. Professional Coaching therefore work towards building someone’s competence to better face their life circumstances.

Team Building, Team Effectiveness and Team Dynamics

Our team building interventions seek to address the challenges of a group in an engaging, fun and inclusive way, being respectful of the dynamics that exist in the group.

The core of our team buildings is the analysis of the culture of the team or organization and facilitating the team to design a culture that will work for all the stakeholders.

As facilitators, we bring models to help the team members explore and understand the issues better.

Leadership Workshops & Seminars

As leadership Coaches, Trainers and Speakers, we offer customized leadership presentations to fit your individual or team needs:

• 10-minute briefings
• “Lunch and learn” sessions (or Brown bag sessions)
• Keynote speech for your company-sponsored event
• Motivational teachings for your team events
• Team building sessions
• Leadership boot camps

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